Thursday, 11 July 2013

Gamma Zeta Die

What a way to start off the episode! No one wanted to see Hanna's mother without hair, and yet we did. I found this episode the best of the season so far, it was creepy, eventful and the liars were one step closer to finding who killed Wilden and A.

So what happened this episode?

- Spencer's mum set her up with an admissions councilor. 
- Emily might not be able to afford college because she can't get a swimming scholarship
- The girls find the number Tippy the bird sang, its the college Cicero
- A attacked Ella with a swarm of bees
- Emily and Brandon (Spencer's admissions councilor) discuss schools for Emily
- Ashley meets with Veronica and asks her to be her lawyer
- Emily and Spencer talk to Brandon about visiting Cicero
- Mike doesn't want Ella to go to Europe'
- Hanna finds a gun in Ashley's locked closet
- Byron convinces Ella to go to Europe
- Spencer and Emily go to a sorority party to find the phone number
- Hanna tries to meet up with them to tell them about the gun
- Emily wants to go to Cicero college and Spencer thinks she has been flirting with Brandon
- Spencer finds a secret room with a phone that has the same number as the beach hottie's. There are scratch marks on the wall.
- Hanna goes to bury the gun and gets caught by the police
- A has a picture of Mrs Grunwald

Beach Hottie/Board Shorts suspects

Dead Suspects

Ian - Had a thing with Alison, he could have easily gone down to Cape May and met up with her
Garett - Not much of a theory because nothing is ever mentioned about Alison and Garett but the beach hottie most likely went to the college and Garett was their age at the time
Wilden - There is a photo of him down at Cape May at the same time as Ali

Alive Suspects

Noel - Ali makes a comment about him looking good tanned
Wren - Ali said she knows a doctor who Spencer could go on the pill with which could be Wren 

Love me, lie for me


  1. I love pretty little liars!Your blog is lovely!!!! Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin' ? xxx
    Gleaming Spire * Bloglovin'

    1. I'm glad you like the blog :) I will add u on bloglovin. xx
