Thursday, 1 August 2013

Crash and Burn, Girl!

Quote of the episode: "Hmm, what do I want to watch tonight, Jimmy Kimmel or boobs?" - Aria

One step closer to the Halloween episode, finding out who killed Alison (also Wilden and other people) and the thing everybody is looking forward to - A!!

Things that happened this episode:

- Caleb and Toby (I call them Coby) have teamed up to stop A once and for all
- Mike is taken in for questioning by the school board about smashing Connor's car
- Emily steals Wilden's house key from the police station that her mom was meant to be looking after
- Pam is suspended from the police station after Emily takes the key
- Coby find out a clue about the compass that was dropped near Toby, it says NW, not for North West, maybe for Nigel Wright, now Coby's main suspect for helping Red Coat
- Spencer, Aria and Emily look around Wilden's apartment for clues of who killed him. They find a note from A in a box of meat
- Coby question Nigel Wright again and he reveals that he was paid to take CeCe Drake using the plane to Thornhill
- A car drives into Emily's front window, nearly hitting Pam

My Red Coat theories

My Red Coat theories

Cece Drake is not my main suspect for Red Coat. Just because Nigel said he drove Cece to Thornhill doesn't mean that Red Coat didn't use a different name or there are two Red Coats.


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