Saturday, 26 October 2013

Grave New World + Board Shorts Theories!!

"One of you have been touched by A..."

I haven't posted for a while but so much stuff happened and I couldn't hold back my theories!!

First of all lets discuss the episode. Spoilers here.

Alison is alive! This brought up hundreds of questions from everyone who watched this episode.

Question #1 - Who is in the gave?!?
Question #2 - Why did A want her dead?
Question #3 - Who is Ali so afraid of she can't come back to Rosewood? Is it Ezra?
which leads us to the question...
Question #4 - Why is Ali so afraid of A/Board Shorts that she can't show her face in Rosewood?

And these questions lead to more questions which lead to more questions which lead to more ... and you get the point. I can't wait until Jan to to have my questions answered!! I need answers now! At least I have Ravenswood to keep me happy until then.

Now for my new Board Shorts theories!!

- Seems to have a thing for younger girls (Hanna, Spencer)
- Helped Cece - maybe new her from Cape May?
- Ali says she knew knows a doctor to go on the pill (episode 2 13) for Emily, possibly Wren
- Was wearing board shorts in the Pilot episode of Pretty Little Liars

Nice board shorts Wren!
- Most likely A (I say most likely because I am hoping there is an explanation!)
- Dated a 16 year old student
- Was in Rosewood when Alison was alive (and dead)
- In Alison's note to Board Shorts it says 'You're better with words than me' and Ezra is an English teacher!!

- Photo of him in Cape May with Alison and Cece

Evidence Wilden was in Cape May!

Who do you think Board Shorts is? Post your theories in the comments! :)




  2. Oh I forgot about Eric! Good suspects!

